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netbook to Plasma tv

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hi everyone. I've been trying to figure out and learn this one on my own as abit of a challenge (for me it is). bought a refurb Asus Eee 1005HAB netbook just before Xmas, then got a great deal on a Samsung 42" 720 plasma tv (PN42C430 A1D) at a Boxing Day sale (pretty well broke now :D ). what I've been trying to do is connect the netbook to the tv for streaming from the desktop pc (i have the homegroup working, no prob there). the netbook only has VGA as an output for an external monitor, while the plasma has HDMI inputs. i bought, and connected, VGA+Audio to HDMI Converter box With RCA audio in jacks, 3.5 mini plug to 2 RCA Female stereo adapter,10' RCA cable, and 10' VGA cable (to reach my easy chair). got everything connected, nothing,(WinXP), but caught on to F8 and went into Display Properties>Settings and changed it to Digital Flat Panel, now i have the picture of the desktop background only, no desktop icons, programs, video, etc. only sound. i tried streaming a video from desktop pc to netbook, then to plasma, works fine on netbook, but only get sound and the desktop background picture, no video. does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? here's the netbook My link and here's the plasma My link
sorry for the rant, but i wanted to make sure i covered everything. after waiting for all these cables, converters, etc. by mail order from different places, I'm getting very discouraged i can't get it going :D . any help is very appreciated, thanks guys (and gals).
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Ok so this is what I understood from all of this.
You have a Netbook (Asus)you are trying to connect it to your Samsung tv to watch movies.
But the streaming is coming from your Desktop?
When you connect the netbook (Asus) to your Samsung TV it only shows the background?

Ok well here is something you can try.
Your netbook might be reading your tv as a external monitor, and is just extending it. I had a problem like this a couple of days ago when using my laptop with a external screen.
I would see all the icons on my laptop, but the external screen would just show the background.

Right click-->> Screen Resolution-->>Click Identify-->>
You should now see a (1) on the netbook and a (2) on your television
Ok if you have gotten this far then your tv is set up right.
Where is says Display--->> look for the TV which should be (2)--->>Check make this my main-->> click apply this should make the TV your main monitor.

Hope this fixes the problem :D
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that did it, thanks iAmXquisite :)
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I'm glad I could help :)
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