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BOOTMGR is missing

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:D Hi & thanks is advance for your help7

My Son has a ZOOSTORM FREEDOM NETBOOK which i suspect has a virus on it & when you try to load the comp up it says BOOTMGR is missing
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

which i do but then get the same message over and again,

His netbook dosn't had a cd-drive so im unable to use that but I do have a usb and a working laptop that I can use to transfer anythin you might suggest thanks Cherie
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If you suspect a virus-infection please post on the Malware Removal Forum as we aren't permitted to help with malware here.
Malware Removal Forum: http://www.geekstogo...alware-removal/
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This is not a virus.
Pop in the original OS disk, enter BIOS and boot from DVD/CD Drive. Go through the steps until you find "Repair". Click it, it should check all of your files and repair what's missing ...

Edited by Quintz, 17 February 2011 - 12:43 PM.

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I dont have a cd drive so ill re-post my issue in the correct section thanks anyway
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This is not a virus.
Pop in the original OS disk, enter BIOS and boot from DVD/CD Drive. Go through the steps until you find "Repair". Click it, it should check all of your files and repair what's missing ...

This is a netbook - no cd drive as the OP said!
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While you do not have a CD/DVD drive built into a netbook, external CD/DVD drives are fairly inexpensive and will allow you to boot from the OS disk to perform the repair. After that you can have it checked for any infection, as with the BOOTMGR missing, not much short of pulling the HD or using an AV rescue disk (not possible under current configuration) will allow you access to your data to perform the scan.
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Hi it didnt come with OS disk.... & is only running windows starter pack :/
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I have just been made aware that my neighbours eldest son has aparently been messing on his computer previous to my post ¬!!!! I went thru the history on the his laptop & managed to find out what he had done .......... God knows why!

Here is how to make a thumb drive bootable:1. Insert your USB (4GB+ preferable) stick to the system and backup all the data from the USB as we are going to format the USB to make it as bootable.

2. Open elevated Command Prompt. To do this, type in CMD in Start menu search field and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Alternatively, navigate to Start > All programs >Accessories > right click on Command Prompt and select run as administrator.

3. When the Command Prompt opens, enter the following command:

DISKPART and hit enter.

LIST DISK and hit enter.

Once you enter the LIST DISK command, it will show the disk number of your USB drive. In the below image my USB drive disk no is Disk 1.

4. In this step you need to enter all the below commands one by one and hit enter. As these commands are self explanatory, you can easily guess what these commands do.

SELECT DISK 1 (Replace DISK 1 with your disk number)






(Format process may take few seconds)



he said he got lost at this point and didnt do the below :/

Don’t close the command prompt as we need to execute one more command at the next step. Just minimize it.

5. Insert your Windows DVD in the optical drive and note down the drive letter of the optical drive and USB media. Here I use “D” as my optical (DVD) drive letter and “H” as my USB drive letter.

6. Go back to command prompt and execute the following commands:

D:CD BOOT and hit enter. Where “D” is your DVD drive letter.

CD BOOT and hit enter to see the below message.


(Where “H” is your USB drive letter)
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I am proceeding under the assumption that you have access to another computer (with you posting on this site), and that you have admin/install rights on it. You also never stated what OS you were using so ill provide links for both Vista and Win 7.

First you will need to go to one of these two sites and download your appropriate OS recovery ISO (you will need to determine whether you have 32bit or 64bit OS)


Windows 7

Next you will need to burn the ISO image to a disk. For that you will need ImgBurn, and you can download that here.

After you have downloaded the appropriate ISO and installed ImgBurn (make sure you do not install any toolbars while installing this program, I believe it will give you that option), you need to start ImgBurn. Once started you need to click on the Write image file to disk button. At the top of the page it will ask you for a source (which is the ISO you downloaded). Click on the small folder button to the right and it will open another window so you can point it to the location where you downloaded the file. After you have indicated the appropriate file insert a disk, make sure you put a check mark in the Verify box, then press the Write button at the bottom.

Once the disk finishes burning you can use it to boot from a external CD/DVD drive that you attach to the netbook. I hope this is of help to you. :D
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Your a star i shall proceed with you advice =) ill see if i can find out what bit it is as the back of the laptop just says windows 7 starter SNPC OA zoostorm

& yes Im using my laptop to get the advice for my 8 year old sons laptop :/ kids eh!!!
Thanks Again :D
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Unfortunately I an not an expert with the command line but from what you wrote here:

4. In this step you need to enter all the below commands one by one and hit enter. As these commands are self explanatory, you can easily guess what these commands do.

SELECT DISK 1 (Replace DISK 1 with your disk number)






(Format process may take few seconds)



And from what I can gather from Microsoft's Knowledge Base article:

clean [all]

Use the clean command to remove partition or volume formatting from the current in-focus disk by zeroing sectors. By default, only the MBR or GPT partitioning information and any hidden sector information on MBR disks is overwritten. If you specify the all parameter, each and every sector can be zeroed, and all data that is contained on the drive can be deleted.

I am thinking that he may have selected the wrong drive (c: drive instead of the desired USB drive) and accidentally erased the MBR (by using the CLEAN command minus the 'all' tag) on the primary drive. If that is the case my instructions from earlier should work. Though as I stated earlier my knowledge of the Command Line is limited, hopefully someone else on the forum can yay or nay my thoughts. :D
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:D still no luck :D
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Were you able to perform any of the steps above?
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