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64-Bit speed vs 32-Bit speed with 1 GB of ram?

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Ok well in general is 64 bit faster than 32 bit OS.
If 64 bit is faster would it still be faster even if it only had 1 GB of RAM

curious when windows 8 comes out might upgrade to 64-Bit or sooner.
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Perhaps this link may help http://www.neowin.ne...-only-1-gb-ram-
But 64-bit windows requires at least 2GB RAM, so it's best to stick with 32
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the x64 version is only faster in applications that can take advantage of the increased amount of RAM that the OS can support. Or if you have allot of background tasks, then having the OS with more RAM will.
In some extreme cases when the processor is really pushed, the 64 bit OS will help the 64 bit architecture of the process

the more ram the better. Vista x64 loves ram I would suggest 4GB since memory is so cheap,
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Well over the weekend i managed to get up to 2 GB from an old PC.
would have had 2.5 GB but it would be unmatched and go to just a single channel mode.
Because the 3 512 MB wouldnt have matched with the 1 GB stick.
and with this extra GB of RAM even if i have noticed more performance.

but anyways its meets all requirements of a 64 bit edition

btw im using win7 not windows vista
theres a difference between those OS's

i guess i gotta try the 64 bit edition myself to see if it improves it or not.

well anyways thx for the rplies guys.
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Also you can't just simply upgrade to a 64 bit OS. You need to format and load the 64 bit version fresh. If you want to save data then you need to back it up before formatting.
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Also you can't just simply upgrade to a 64 bit OS. You need to format and load the 64 bit version fresh. If you want to save data then you need to back it up before formatting.

ok thanks for the tip rshaffer61
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