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Iphone 3 voice mail to computer?

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  • PipPip
  • 17 posts
My son has an Iphone 3 and he wants to download a couple of voice mails to his computer....
What is the best/safest way to accomplish this?? Is there an Ap for downloading??

Thanks to all in advance.
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    Founding Fart

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I would use an audio cable to hook up your iPhone to your computer. Use one line at the headphone jack of your iPhone and then the other end to the input or microphone line of your computer. Then use a program like Audacity to record the sound from your microphone input while you hit play on the iPhone.

Another way is to jailbreak the iPhone and navigate to the /private/var/mobile/Library/Voicemail/ folder via a FTP connection. That method is a bit more complicated and the files pulled off would be in a different file format that would need to be converted to a more standard format.
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