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Win7 BSOD (Thread tried to release a resource it did not own)

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I hibernated my laptop and got a BSOD
"Thread tried to release a resource it did not own"

What info do I need to provide in order to proceed?
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    Mechanised Mod

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Have you installed any new software recently including windows updates?
Can you start in safe mode http://windows.micro...er-in-safe-mode or have you tried last known good configuration http://windows.micro...d-Configuration
Dependant on what you have tried and if you are able to boot into safe mode you may need to check for malware.
Some light reading for you below;
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I just reformatted my computer and installed all my previous softwares and installed all the windows updates that was downloaded by itself. The BSOD happened as soon as I hibernated the 1st time after doing all that.

I can boot in Normal mode just fine.

How do you recommend I check for malware? I do have Security Essentials but it's reporting no threats.
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    Mechanised Mod

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As you have recently formatted the HDD it lessens the likelihood of malware and may point more to a bad update or driver.
As you can start the computer normally try running memtest86+ http://www.memtest.org/ a guide to how to http://www.geekstogo...sing-memtest86/ if the Ram passes run the diagnostic tools for your brand of HDD http://www.tacktech....ttid=287#maxtor
Another option you have is to reformat and add your previous software programmes one by one, putting the computer into hibernation after each one to see if the issue reoccurs, do the same with any windows updates by manually installing them one at a time, this will obviously take some time to complete but it may be the only way to find the cause, as a safeguard see the text below regarding malware;

If you suspect your system may have a malware issue I suggest you check out the self help guide at the malware forum http://www.geekstogo...cleaning-guide/ if after following the guide you believe your system may still be infected you need to start a new topic there and not post any malware logs on this forum as they are not used here, provide them with a link to this thread to show them what if any steps have been taken.
Once you get the all clear from the malware guys if the issue is not resolved return here and someone will assist you.
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