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I have a Dell Dimension C521 with windows 7 im wanting to take it back to factory settings without a disc is there anyway to do so?
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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maybe? most dells shipped within the last 5 years have a recovery partition built in. while booting look up in the corner of the screen you should see something telling you to press f11 to boot into diagnostics mode, or something to that effect. the restore function is usually in there.

take note, this is a destructive restore, it completely wipes the drive of EVERYTHING before starting over. so any info on the drive that is important (music, pictures etc..) should be backed up first
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This might help a little also.
The key combination is CRTL + F11 pushing the keys at the same time at the the dell screen during post. Once you push them then you want to release them.
It should go into the recovery partition so you can do a system restore.
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