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Virtual Memory

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Need some help about configuration of virtual memory on my PC
Currently running win7 home edition 32bit and recently noticed as per attached that there might be a problem as far as virtual memory is concerned.

My main concern is that were I to make changes to what is recommended, how would my PC react. Not being very conversant with such technical details, your help is appreciated.

As you can see there is a difference between the actual and recommended, hence my concern.

Hopefully the attached illustrates my concern..


Attached Thumbnails

  • Virtua, Memory (TIcked).JPG
  • Virtual Memory Unticked.JPG
  • Change.JPG

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Unless you have gotten a virtual memory error message there is no need to change that setting.
If you feel inclined to do so just click on the Custom Size and the boxs will now highlight. Change the amount to the 4603 and then click Set to the right of that.
Click OK then OK again.
That is all there is to it.
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Your response appreciated. As suggested will not change the setting. If at any time message received will then consider a change.
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Instead of changing the virtual memory I would suggest increasing your ram memory which in turn will increase your virtual memory by default.
From the look of it I believe you have 2 - 2.5 gigs of memory correct?
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As stated in my original thread, technical details I am not very conversant. I am h/ever always willing to carry out instructions whenever instructed.
In this event can you please advise (give) instructions regarding increasing RAM Memory. The attached shows the details regarding RAM on my PC (I think)


Attached Thumbnails


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Yeah you are at the maximum for your OS.
A 32 bit OS can only utilize 3.5 gigs of memory while a 64 bit OS can utilize a lot more.
Without upgrading your OS to the 64 bit version you can get no increase in memory. To do that you would have to format the system and install the new OS.
All programs would have to be reinstalled.
Your data can be saved by backing it up and reinstalling it back after new OS and programs are installed.
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Your response understood and due to lack of technical ability it is better to stick to what I have. As the saying goes 'if it ain't broke, leave well alone'.

Thanks for your efforts and advice.
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You are welcome and to make it easier for you. 64 bit OS's are the newest type which not only have better security and run faster. They also have improved graphic capabilities and can handle up to 192 gigs of memory depending on the version of OS and the motherboard capability.
I agree with the fact if it isn't broken don't mess with it.
Thank you for allowing me to assist you and I hope I have been able to explain the steps as well inform you a little.
Enjoy the rest of the forums and again Thank you. :D
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