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Passwordsafe 2.11

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jasper the rasper

jasper the rasper


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Password Safe is a password database utility. Users can keep their passwords securely encrypted on their computers. A single Safe Combination unlocks them all. This release has some nice new features, and a few minor bug fixes.
PasswordSafe 2.11 released

Bugs fixed in 2.11:
[] When system tray is used, close ("X") button no longer exits
[1197706] Delay argument in autotype now correctly parsed (thanks to
dturland for this!)
[1170297, 1076510, 1183709] Clipboard is cleared upon exit from system
tray, if it still contains data from application.
[1207701] During Import, groups are no longer created under an empty
group. (*)
[1095881] Entries with titles containing a dot no longer cause Import to
treat them as nested groups. (*)
[] SetPasswordFont in request for password during Export. (*)
[1207600] Find dialog not moved off-screen if PasswordSafe takes up whole

New Features for 2.11:
[1203679] '-r' may now be passed a command line switch, setting the
'read-only' checkbox. Useful if user wants this to be the default.
[] Export to plain text of entries with multi-line notes fields now can be
kept on a single line (aids editing & sorting). (*)
[] Import from plain text support for single line "multi-line" notes fields
created above. (*)

(*) Thanks to DK for his work on these bug fixes and new features!

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