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Malware/Virus caused black screen? Won't go to system users screen

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Well, my mom was using her netbook last night, and as she was using Google Images, Google Chrome suddenly crashed on her. When she tried to open it up again, an error window popped up, with something like (I unfortunately don't remember the error code, nor the whole message), "The files to the program are incomplete". No biggie, I thought. The netbook has done that on occasion. Just to be sure though, we ran MalwareBytes overnight, to make sure everything was alright. Today, the netbook had gone to hibernation mode, but it was still able to boot up. When we went to check the diagnostics results, it said that 4 files had been infected, but none of the files actually showed up. My mom wanted to wait for my sister to check the netbook for her, because my sis has removed quite a few viruses/malware from computers we've owned it the past (with help from people on here :)). Well, the netbook went to hibernate mode again, and when my sister tried to boot it up again, it started up, but it's stuck/frozen on a blank, black screen. Is there anything I or my sister can do about this? Or would our best bet be to get it to a Best Buy or other comp repair company?

Sorry for the long post/vague details, but it's all I got. Thanks in advance!
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