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Cannot access old blog

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I am not a net expert, but I know my way around. Well, I began a blog 2 years ago and thought I lost access only to find out that the blog still exists but I have no idea what email was used. I used the tool to plug in every conceivable email address but have come up dry. This blog is of a g-rated personal nature, but it is now causing me and my family personal problems.


1) Is there a way to hack and disable it? I can prove that I am the owner so hacking my own blog should have no ethics issues.

2)Can the original email sign-in somehow be found and maybe I can work from there to find the password?

I'll listen to anything you have to offer as i am now a very desperate man.

Thank you so much.

Edited by shymeeee, 11 May 2011 - 04:18 PM.

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