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Modem Problem

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  • PipPip
  • 52 posts
I just decided to check the Device manager for the heck of it and was surprised to see an exclamation mark by Modems-HSP56MR. Said "The Device
Cannot Start" (Code 10). Yet the computer seems to be working fine...I don't see any problems. What should I do?
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    Mechanised Mod

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  • 24,982 posts
Hi jek1862
You need to provide information about your computer, this includes is it
a laptop or desktop, is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP
and if it is provide the model name or series number.

...I don't see any problems. What should I do?

If you provide the requested info it will help us make the appropriate suggestion.
If your computer has both a WIFI card and a LAN card and you are using the WIFI
the exclamation mark may simply be indicating that there is no telephone line
plugged into the modem or the modems drivers are not installed or need updating.
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