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Video Playback distorted and slow

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Hello everyone,

Hope I can get some assistance as I have tried everything my minimal experience have allowed... and quite frankly my husband is driving me batty ... so please for my sanity :) , can you please assist me.

On playback some of the video playback and sound is distorted and slowed up.
The songs affected are different formats ... mpg,avi,mp4 ... so i assume that it is not subjected to just one format.
Also have tried different players WMP, Winamp, VLC, Nero ,the results are the same.
I have tried some clean up with CCleaner, Mbam (no threats) ... unfortunately I have used the CCleaner's registry function (reading in the forum that i shouldn't) .. although the first time i did this cleanup, it seemed to have worked and the few effected songs played perfect. I have also updated the codec package for XP.
Now it is back again ... and I am sitting with my hands in my hair.
I have tried, on my husbands idea to uninstall WMP, and have since reinstalled WMP11.

Any help and assistance will be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: have posted my problem at the XP forum as I realised this might be the wrong section...


Edited by Jnita, 17 May 2011 - 12:46 PM.

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