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Please Help - Computer Stolen from work

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Please excuse my computer ignorance but I was hoping someone could give me some advice.

We had a brand new desktop computer stolen from work (university campus) we have the mac address of the item, serial number etc. The network guys have checked and it hasn't been used on the Network but can you find out if it has been used outside of the uni network?

There was no Dropbox or anything installed to trace it but is there a way of tracking it down through the mac address if the computer is not online? Is it possible to trace it through previous online use - just incase they are no longer using it due to it's loss being highlighted?

Any advice would be very helpful.

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Hello InfoOrHelpNeeded2: :)

University should have reported this incident to local police, and if law enforcing authorities are involved then there advice should be followed!

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    Grumpy Ol' MSgt (Ret.)

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Is it possible to trace it through previous online use - just incase they are no longer using it due to it's loss being highlighted?

Any place that computer connected to a network, a log was, or several logs were created. Whether any logs still exists or not is a totally different matter, and pretty much up to each network administrator. That said, most are overwritten after a set period.

That said, I agree completely with Rediah - the authorities should handle it.
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Be sure you check sites like craigslist.org in your city to see if the person who stole it might be selling it. This is very common as they try to get rid of it for cash as fast as possible.
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