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Antivirus Problem

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First of all Im not sure If I am posting this in the right category, if not I am sorry in advance!

I got this hp laptop in December at Best Buy and installed the Webroot Antivirus complimentary disk. 6 months later it is expired so I attempted to install AVG Free which is what I have always used. Problem is when I went to install it, it says:

We have detected a conflicting application on your computer. The installation cannot be performed as long as this application persists on your computer. Conflicting application: Norton Internet Security

Norton came pre-installed on this laptop and I have never activated it or even touched it. How can I get this crap off of my computer so I can install AVG? Or, better yet, Is there another antivirus I should install or any other way around this??

Thanks in advance...
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Download and run the Norton Removal Tool to uninstall your Norton product: http://us.norton.com...0080710133834EN

In your case, I would select the "I have a Norton 2006/2007/2008/2009/2010/2011 product" link.

Selecting an Antivirus program often comes down to a matter of personal choice & using a product you feel "comfortable" with. With that being said, it's my opinion that while AVG is a fine product, it has become a bit bloated to suit my taste. I use and recommend Avast! free AV, FWIW.

Hope this helps.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Avast free or Microsoft Security Essentials would be my suggestion, both are very good without being demanding on system resources.
Following the advice given by Noob_B_Fershur will ensure you get a clean uninstall of Norton, this is vital in order to prevent traces of Norton being left behind which can cause system instability.
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Thank you both so much! I have successfully removed Norton and installed Avast. Now just looking to get rid of whats left of WebRoot.
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    Mechanised Mod

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You are welcome :)
For removing WebRoot remnants try one or both of these if you have to http://download.tech...t-removal-tool/ or http://download.cnet...4-10687648.html
Please ignore any or all other services there, they are not being suggested or endorsed in any way.
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