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NO response for 3 days, please help!

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I am running an audio interface through my laptop usb. I should be able to plug in my headphones and hear audio through it. It works PERFECTLY on 3 other laptops and pc's i have tested it on. My computer meets all the requirements and every now and again works before cutting out. I previously had problems with a virus and think this might be related. PLEASE HELP

AUDIO INTERFACE: Focusrite Saffire 6 Pro

SYSTEM: ACER Aspire 5536; Windows 7 Ultimate

HIJACKTHIS: got error message - "for some reason your system denied write access to the Hosts file",
then when it comes to saving a log, it says -"cannot find the .logfile do you want to save a new one"
i click yes and nothing happens. PLEASE HELp

Edited by kieranvyas, 28 July 2011 - 02:53 AM.

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  • PipPip
  • 62 posts
hi kieranvyas,

if you think you have a virus activity going on please go to the Malware Removal subforum, read this. This will narrow down if you have an active infection or not.

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