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Help with file recovery on an iPod

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Remy Timm

Remy Timm

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My bro has an ipod he put a folder on and accidentally deleted but he says he never saw the do you want to delete this window and he didn't do anything but press undo copy. I've tried to help him with file recovery programs and stuff and there is no evidence that he ever had that folder on the iPod.
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Hi there Remy Timm and a warm welcome at GeeksToGo!tm

I understand that your brother or friend is having trouble finding or recovering a folder / file(s) on his i-phone.

There remain some questions:
  • What type of files are you looking for?
  • Are you checking from within the phone itseff?
  • Is the phone attached to a computer? If so, what kind of computer and which OS?
  • Did you remove the memory-card and placed it in a card-reader?
  • Which software did you use to try recover the files?
  • Any other information on the subject?

Also, not many Staff Members or HELPERS actually pass through this part of the forum (Off-Topic).
I recommend you to start a new topic > HERE < with a clear question about the help you are requesting, and the answers you have to the questions above.

Have a nice day, and good luck with those files :)

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Remy Timm

Remy Timm

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I will do that. Also I've made a typo. It's an iPod. A 4th generation nano? The folder is full of text and works files. I am checking for the files using two computers. One is a laptop and has vista on it. The other is a desktop and has Windos XP on it. I'm not sure what software I used to recover the files but I used Agent Ransack to try to find them after he said there isn't anymore free space on the iPod now than there was before he accidentally deleted the folder. At this point, any help would be wonderful, as I have no idea what to do and the text files are valuble to him.
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