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best places to buy a laptop on budget

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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 58 posts
Hello All,
I was hoping someone could help me.
I need a new laptop (I am thinking an i5) and spending between $500-$600.
I always hear about people getting great deals but when I look I can't find any.
Where are are the best places to look?
I have checked the Hot Tech Deals on geekstogo.com with no luck.
Any suggestions?
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 243 posts
Buying equipment requires a bit of preparation, some things to consider:
  • What are you going to use it for? (CPU needs to be supported by a decent graphics-chipset, especially in laptops because they are "non-replaceable." RAM is important as well)
  • How long are you planning on using it? (life-cycle)
  • How tech-savvy are you? (maintenance and warranties)

Trusted local businesses usually offer face-to-face support for a slightly higher price.
Web-shops offer better prices (watch taxes and delivering-costs!) but can be a hassle to get support from. (I'm NOT saying they "are")
Also, it often pays off to buy a laptop from a quality vendor with slightly lower specs than a top-spec "unreliable" laptop, if you want to use it for a couple of years. (because of the quality of other "non-replaceable" parts)

Good luck :)

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