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Win 7 PDAnet fix for some people

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    motto - Just get-er-done

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Many times when i am on vacation i find the prices for a days use of a internet connection to be outragious. I have been charged up to $25 per dayat times. Last year i switched to using Sprint and bought a samsung intercept phone. I found out that by using PDAnet software on the phone and on my wife's Vista H-P laptop i could get on the internet anytime i wished, anywhere i had some kind of connection to sprint,for free. I must say that i have the unlimited plan for the phone, ortherwise it might have cost me if i excedded my plans minutes limit. My wifes laptop was stolen recently so i bought her a new Win 7 toshiba laptop. putting PDAnet on the laptop did not work this time as the PDAnet would start up and then just disappear and we couldn't get any connection. To fix this problem i went to the June's fabrics PDAnet website and tried their fix which works on this laptop. I don't know if it will work on other laptops but it's worth a try and can save you quite a bit of money if it work's while you are away on vacation.

The Fix.
PdaNet connection is established but I do not get Internet access on the computer end.

With PdaNet connected, try to make sure you are able to browse the web on the phone's browser. If not that means either you do not have data connection on your phone or you have to disable "Mobile Broadband" or any other built-in tethering feature on the phone.

If phone's browser still works, then the issue comes from the computer side. On the computer click on Start->Programs->PdaNet for Android and select "Install Legacy Network Driver", wait for it to complete and see if that fixes the issue.


The only problem i have had is sometimes PDAnet won't connect until i reboot the phone(and pull the battery sometimes) and the computer, if i have connected-disconnected the program on the computer too many times in a day.

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