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sony vaio desktop, windows xp, unable to boot, 3 beeps, monitor not wo

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  • PipPip
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Hey everyone, thanks in advance for any useful advice. This is the family computer i'm always trying to keep alive even though it's outdated. I'll try to make this short and sweet.

Sony Viao running windows xp, my brothers ( 13 and 16) said that the monitor wasn't working. I disconnected all cables and re-connected them. However whne I turned on the computer the monitor would flash off and on at various times. Also would flash on if i manually turned the monitor off and on. So I unplugged everything and air sprayed the outside of the connectors and the inside (it was dusty). After I that I turned it back on and I got 3 beeps a long beep and 2 short ones, which i was told means a video problem. Now the computer will not boot the majority of the time and the monitor will not come on at all. What do I need to do to get it back working? Thanks a lot. :)
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