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Laptop failing to load

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It was fine when I used it last night, but today it just won't load

It will get as far as a black screen with the yellow loading bar (i use Vista), stays there for q couple of minutes and then a blue screen flashes up really quickly then it restarts itself

When it comes back on, it gives me the options to repair, or start normally. Starting it normally repeats the above process, and repairing it always ends up on a blue screen which says a problem has been occurred. The only notable message from it is "Technical information: *** STOP: 0x00008086 (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)"

I'm also unable to start in Safe Mode or load the Last Known Good Configuration

Posting this from my phone

My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite, running Windows Vista
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I've put a Vista Recovery Disc into the laptop now so I'll post if that helps to solve the issues

Running the Startup Repair and hoping for the best

That seems to have fixed it! Sorry for wasting anyones time with this

Edited by samwiches, 19 September 2011 - 08:02 AM.

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Hi again,

The problem has came again. I was using my laptop (only had FireFox open) and it froze, I used ctrl+alt+delete which just opened the blue/green Vista background with no text. I had to force shutdown and now I can't start-up properly

I tried the recovery disc solution that worked previously but I'm not having any luck. Also, if this problem is recurring, is there anything I can do to try and prevent future problems?
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Sorry for seemingly spamming this thread

I'm looking at the Diagnoses and Repair Details of my startup repair, and it says

"Root cause found:
System volume on disk is corrupt.

Repair action: File system repair (chkdsk)
Result: Completed successfully. Error code = 0x0"

But even thought it says it was repaired successfully, I still can't load windows properly

I think the issue does lay with the chkdsk somehow, as when I try to load Safe Mode and the drivers list displays, the screen pauses and hangs when loading the Chkdsk, and then crashes and gives me the blue screen
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Nobody can help me out? :)

I think the problem has got a lot worse now. I was running the AVG Rescue CD Scan, and my laptop just turned off halfway through for no apparent reason (it was plugged in and had the battery in so it wasn't a power issue) and now it won't turn on at all. Is it time to send it to a professional? Ha

edit: nevermind, the power cable had come out of the adapter. I'll restart the scan

Edited by samwiches, 25 September 2011 - 08:05 AM.

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