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OK to do a System Recovery?

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I've had my laptop for a few years now, its a Samsung Q320, its still working great but slowing down a bit, probably just due to use over the years? My main question is that I'm wondering if it is beneficial to just get out the recovery disks and run a complete system recovery and start from scratch.... will that help the computer? Is it beneficial to do that? Pointless? I've done the Check For Errors, Defrag, regular virus scans etc. they help a bit, but would a full recovery do anything better?

Also, two times my screen has completely gone black, almost like it flickers and then i get a message saying something along the lines of, Nvidia driver kernal error? but things return to normal....

Should i just do a complete Recovery and start from scratch? Positives and negatives if I got through with it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/help....

Forgot to mention above, I'm running Windows 7 Professional, 32 bit.
and Graphics Card Nvidia GeForce G105M 256Mb

Edited by dudemonz, 10 October 2011 - 09:32 AM.

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Nvidia driver kernal error?

Hi -

The above link is to Nvidia for you to check if you have the latest drivers for your Nvidia GeForce G105M 256Mb.
Yours is listed, but I do not know if or when you last updated the video drivers. This is quite often the first thing to look at.

Make sure your Adobe Flash Player is also current ( - I think is the current version).

Full recovery will take your laptop back to factory settings, but you would then need to install all updates.
Try the updates (also check for M/soft updates) and see how it runs first, and then make your decision after that - -

Regards -
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Think of an update like an oil change eventually all that old oil is starting to gunk up and you need new oil, you can almost nev3er go wrong doing it, if your using a different copy of windows though keep in mind you wil need new firmware and drivers good luck!
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