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Please help! post "system fix" problems

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so this is why i never upgrade anything!
got screwed into updating my yahoo messenger and got "system fix" as well.. thanks yahoo..
or hacked?

Sooooooo after not being able to open the task manager or anything else..
I decided to put in a bootable linux fedora CD and remove it from the hard drive via linux, then off start-up via msconfig, exposing hidden files and regedit... etc.
it should be gone. I restart my computer and i get "PXE-E61 Media Test Failure, Check Cable" ????
check bios and it doesnt see my hard drive??

So I put in the bootable linux cd and fedora runs off the cd and of course I can see everything on my hard drive perfectly.
Try to get to XP,
I load default bios settings, still same message. I TURN OFF my LAN boot and still same message.
I switch between AHCI/RAID and try every combination, same message.

Now the really weird part. I put in a tiny xp DVD boot dvd. It says "hit enter to load dvd"
I HIT NOTHING and it loads xp off the hard drive..
I put in a windows 98 cd and it asks to boot from cd OR HARD DRIVE
I SELECT HARD DRIVE and it works 100% fine.
boots to xp, sees hard drive says "device is working properly" the whole 9 yards.

[bleep] is crazy!
my hard drive is fine!
why wont the bios see it??
it wont let me choose any sata settings..
sometimes it does see it on sata0 ? but same message.
i recently got new Gskillz ram from new egg is that it?

or did "system fix" really fix my system over??

I am "trying to run" XP on a gateway desktop
with a dual core 1.86MHZ
with 3 GB of ram.

I think its the bios somehow, but i cant change anything!
and what i can change, does nothing.
any help would be great.
thanks -
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