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Restoring Everex back to factory settings w/o restore disc

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Michelle Hernandez

Michelle Hernandez

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I have a Everex computer and I need to restore it back to factory settings. It was working at one point then it stopped. Now it just says disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. I have the recovery disc but it doesn't work. I tried to use it but it no longer has the files on it. I don't know what else to do the company is out of business. I tried F12, F8 and F10 none of them helped. Please help.
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Hi Michelle,

Are you able to enter the Bios (boot and immediately start pressing your Delete button)?

If you can get into the bios, using your arrows / enter / escape buttons to navigate, look for boot order preferences and make sure your optical drive is selected as first boot, then your hard drive.
Once CD is selected as 1st boot, insert your recovery CD and then select "save changes and exit" to re-boot to CD.
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Faizan Ern Prince

Faizan Ern Prince


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Try purchasing the restore disks for the PC.

Buy an operating system Windows XP Home Edition
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Check the hard drive with the manufacturer's diagnostic tools.
Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
Bootable Hard Drive Diagnostics
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