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Your College Experience

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So I'm a freshman in college this year and the first semester is just about over. Only 3 finals to go! Whoo! I was just curious as to what some of your college experiences were like. Mine started off kind of rough with the feeling of being unprepared, getting sick, and a whole new scenery being at the forefront of my mind. I really wanted to drop out to be honest, but I made it through.
So... How were your experiences?
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One of the great regrets in my life is not having a degree. I don't really need it to do the work I do, but it certainly would help to get my foot in the door, especially as the job market seems flooded with overqualified/underemployed people.

For most of my life, my health has never been good enough to commit to a full time college schedule, and my doctors never thought I'd live to see 30... however, here I am, somewhere in my late 30s and about to go to school (health mostly stable).

If you have the health, means, and opportunity... get your bachelor's degree, at the very least. It can make a world of difference. With a bachelor's degree, you can teach English in Japan for a year... doesn't that sound fun? I've always wanted to do that.

I lived on a college campus and attended several classes (as a guest) when I was not quite 20; I thoroughly enjoyed it... but I only went to classes I liked and when I wanted, teehee. I always did envy those who managed to handle it all.

So, congratulations to you! You made it thru your first year! If you are away from home, it is almost expected to have health issues while your body adjusts to a whole new set of environmental influences. I hope that you adapt and have an easier time next year.

Best Wishes! ~Nom

Edited by NomDeKeyz, 19 December 2011 - 07:33 PM.

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college is another Highschool with Smoking allowed
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