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Desktop Shutdown and Standby/Hibernate Icons

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John Bull

John Bull


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This is not a help item, it is a useful tip that I find extremely convenient. Sorry if it is out of place here, but I am simply trying to tell other users of this small but very useful feature. I have posted it on other Forums, but as it is of great benefit to me, I am repeating it for our members information.

I recently discovered a simple means of adding desktop icons to cover Shutdown and Hibernate/Standby. It is extremely useful in avoiding the click Start standard procedure. One desktop click and you Standby - Shutdown or Hibernate.

You go to your desktop, right click and then click new shortcut, you get a Wizard, then paste in the command for the location type in one of the below commands (in your case, %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState ). Then click Next. You are asked to give it a title - Standby, Hibernate or Shutdown, then click Finish.

These are the choices :-

Shutdown: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -s
Reboot: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r
Logoff: %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -l
Standby: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState
Hibernate: %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

Use CNTRL+C to copy and CNTRL+V to paste.

The Hibernate is automatic if the Hibernate box is checked in the Power Options properties panel. If the box is not checked, then Standby is automatic. You have to select this box to give you the option you want. I use Standby when frequently leaving and returning to my machine and Hibernate when leaving for long periods. The difference between power usage is so low it does not really matter and Standby is a faster return.

Hibernate practically shuts the machine down whilst Standby leaves it on a power trickle. You can leave it on Hibernate for as long as you wish. You have to keep changing the Power Options Hibernate to obtain what you want.

The Hibernate checkbox is found by Control Panel>Power Options>Hibernate. But it is easier to click the Task Bar Links and select the On AC Power icon - rt click it and click Adjust Power Properties. The Power Options panel comes up. Then click Hibernate.

The On AC Power icon can be found by rt click the Task Bar>Properties>Customise, then use the vertical slider to find it.
Set to Always Hide, or Always Show if you wish.

The two desktop icons can be changed by Right clicking the icon then Properties>Change Icon>Browse>Windows 32>shell32dll>select icon>OK>Apply>OK

Then you have two brand new icons on your desktop for Shutdown and Standby/Hibernate. It works a treat.
Desktop icons :-
Posted Image

Power tray icon (red spot) :-
Posted Image

Edited by John Bull, 20 January 2012 - 04:02 PM.

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Hi John,

Thanks for taking the time to post this suggestion - I will follow your instructions to create these desktop icons and am sure I will find them useful.

However, I am a little puzzled by your paragraph starting 'The On AC Power icon can be found...'. I do not have this option in the Customise list. I guess this is a laptop thing and this is why my desktop does not have it as an option? Am I correct?

Thanks again and best wishes,

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