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just a time out - had bad news

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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 110 posts
Hey there . This is a cross post across some forums Im with .
In the midst of the Chinese New Year festivities here I received bad news .

A former pen pal turned friend passed away very suddenly on the 13th of Jan .
I cant pop into any forum without feeling some heartache and its taking all my mental energy just to hold myself together .

Her husband is not doing well with her passing and they live too far away for me to just pop over

So if I appear unresponsive for abit thats why .. Everytime I type in my nick and passwords I remember her

Im still about .. all comp and forum issues will have to take a break for now .. Im sort of heartbroken especially since I didnt get to speak with her last years end when I made a trunk call up .

Unless I run into a major PC issue or need some pet help .. Im not likely to pop on for abit . I need time out .. TC
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    Mechanised Mod

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Take care henny-penny-1
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