On clicking their beautiful icon on my desktop, up came the usual panels for doing a scan. With uncontrollable anticipation, I clicked the jolly start button and off it went, jogging along scanning my computer. On completion of the first item - it was broken into sections, can`t remember their exact titles, the scan stopped and up came a red blob.
"Oh my God" I yelled, " The Bogey Man has got me !". Well, this red blob that forecast an immediate Armageddon was defined as the greatest sin of all times - I had not got McAfee`s jewel in the crown named "Site Adviser" installed ! It would not let the scan go on until I unconditionally surrendered. I had the option of having a heart attack or rupturing myself laughing. I chose the rupture.
When I picked myself up off the carpet and allowed my shattered nerves to calm down, I hit that little "X" at the top of the scan panel and zapped it. Then I had MY moment of glory - I clicked the icon of Revo-Uninstaller, clicked McAfee Security Scan, clicked DELETE and enjoyed every second of what followed in a state of absolute ecstasy as this useless piece of hitherto unwanted software was progressively vaporized from my PC right in front of my eyes.
What a waste of time, but WHAT A LAUGH !