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ok soo i downloaded windows 7 torrent they said it was free then i installed it then it wasnt everyday it asks me for the code thing avtivation code so ya then i tryed to download windows vista then i installed it that was free but then the intenet wont work and the dvd/cd reader wont read any discs so then when ever i want to go on the computer i need to press (F2) then i pick windows 7 then i log in then asks me for the code i click ask me later and when ever i dont click (F2) then it will go to the windows 7 i downloaded and then cant go to the innternet or anything so i had a question ........................................… DO I RESET MY COMPUTER TO WHEN I FIRST GOT IT????????????????????????..............… (F1) , (F3) , (F4) , (F5) , (F6) , (F7,8,9,10,11,12 ............................dont do anything and ........................................… dont have a cd or disc that will reset it so PLEASE HELP.......................

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    Grumpy Ol' MSgt (Ret.)

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Hi Jake and :welcome:

Sorry, but we will not help you. Seeking or providing help for illegally obtained software is strictly prohibited by the Terms of Use/Rules (specifically 3.p.) you agreed to abide by when you joined.

You need to purchase a legal Windows license, or use one of the many free and capable Linux alternatives.

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