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  • PipPipPip
  • 167 posts
okay semesters almost over only got 2 more assignments left (yay) the final thing ill need help with before i can lie down and rela is this. in a previous assignment we had to write up a game concept proposal, my game was basically dilbert or office space if one of the employess went crazy and bought a gun to work, not original granted but still

anyway my final assignment for this subject is an expansion of that one, what i need to do is just basically design what the character will look like and some of the levels,

for the characters i was hoping someone could suggest either a program or a website where i can create a cartoon looking figure (doesnt have to be original or 3d, graphics arent important) im thinking something like MSN's Meego where u pic body type, clothes, etc. something simple like that, and a program or site that allows you to design a level, just something like the inside of an office building with tables and chairs, the latter isnt specifically important, i could probably sort something out myself, but i will definately need help with the character design

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