Yes, by "StartUp", I mean to log into Windows, not for Windows to load after already in.
Ah, my mistake. In that case, what's in your startup queue
usually shouldn't matter too much, unless it's an antivirus or something of the sort, as the Windows OS hasn't actually loaded yet so most of these entries can't begin to initiate.
Here's what did SOMEthing...I unstalled all of the USB ports (thinking it had something to do with that external hard drive) and restarted. It rebooted with the original 30 sec or whatever Startup time. It automatically restalled the drivers and everything seemed fine. I DID NOT plug the external hard drive back it. I just immediately rebooted to see if it was ok. Long Startup was back. At some point a few days later I tried uninstalling the USB ports again (which have all been working fine) and the same thing happened. Ok on reboot, but after installation of the USBs, it went back to the long Startup. Coincidence or not?
This sounds like a hardware fault. I'd like you to confirm something for me. When you boot with the USB drivers
not installed you get a NORMAL STARTUP , correct? When they are
installed you get the LONG STARTUP? This is both with the external drive plugged in and unplugged, correct? If so, the fault probably lies either in a compatibility issue with your drivers or, as mentioned, a hardware fault.
Please try this:
Click on the windows orb and hit "Run..." inside the menu to the right.
In the box that appears, type
"devmgmt.msc" (without quotes) and hit ok.
Navigate to the same drivers you uninstalled before, but this time right click on each one and hit "Disable"
instead of "Uninstall" then reboot. Do this one at a time if necessary until you find the culprit(s). It could just be one port that's messing you up, so it is necessary to isolate each one.
Post back with your results. If this is indeed a driver/hardware problem, I'm going to recommend you open a topic in our dedicated
Windows 7 and Vista forum, where one of the Techs can help you out. We're not there yet though, so let's see what happens with the drivers first.
Are you experiencing any other problems besides the free space on the HDD and slow boot times?