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custom level security settings recommended

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  • PipPip
  • 46 posts
I'm still trying to figure out why I can't open a link sent to my email. If I receive a page from a website it will open, but not a link.

Can someone tell me, or refer me a page that tells me which of my custom level security settings should be enabled. I feel this may be where my problem is. I've tried everything I have read & nothing has solved my problem. Any help will be appreciated.
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As a test, disable your Anti-virus program and if that doesn't help, the Windows Firewall.

Post back with results. Also post which OS, Vista or Win 7, the AV program you use and if you use a Firewall other than the one in Vista/Win 7, which one.

Note: Re-enable both before doing anything else as you don't want to run unprotected for long.
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