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Packard Bell Caption Buttons.

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Hi, recently I restored my computer to manufacture settings and before this I had gotten an update from the Packard bell updater which had fixed the issue but now when I try to search for the updates on the Packard bell updater program it never comes up with any results? Anyway my current issue is that my caption buttons are too big. The original size is around 21 but when I restart my pc if I have set it to that it resets to 44 or something like that. Can someone help me keep it permanently at 21? Thanks.

It happens on every window that I open.

I have tried to manually change it from the windows colour and appearance settings but on restart it resets.

I have tried changing the theme sometimes it works and sometimes it is ineffective.


Posted Image

I think it is something to do with registry files that needs to be edited because any other way will not work since it is just reset on start up. I have also look don the net but I couldn't find anything and I don't think that Packard Bell has a forums since I tried looking for that also.

Edited by MrFarbodD, 13 May 2012 - 03:19 AM.

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:welcome: MrFarbodD
We need some additional details so I will break down your post and add some questions;

I restored my computer to manufacture settings

This can have two meanings 1: Re-setting the BIOS settings to factory default. 2: Re-installing the operating system.
Do you mean No1 or No2?

and before this I had gotten an update from the Packard bell updater which had fixed the issue

What issue, the same issue as you are having now?

I think it is something to do with registry files that needs to be edited because any other way will not work since it is just reset on start up.

Please leave the registry well alone as it is an area that only software experts should go as the damage that can be caused by a novice can render your system inoperable.

With your next reply please provide the model details of your Packard Bell.
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:welcome: MrFarbodD

We need some additional details so I will break down your post and add some questions;

I restored my computer to manufacture settings

This can have two meanings 1: Re-setting the BIOS settings to factory default. 2: Re-installing the operating system.
Do you mean No1 or No2?

and before this I had gotten an update from the Packard bell updater which had fixed the issue

What issue, the same issue as you are having now?

I think it is something to do with registry files that needs to be edited because any other way will not work since it is just reset on start up.

Please leave the registry well alone as it is an area that only software experts should go as the damage that can be caused by a novice can render your system inoperable.

With your next reply please provide the model details of your Packard Bell.

1. Thank you for the warm welcome.

2.Well on start up I pressed F10 or one of those keys to go into the restore setup.

3.Yes the same issue.

4.I wasn't planning on touching the registry just thinking that it might have something to do with it but thanks for the warning.

Computer Details:

Operating System
MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1

Packard Bell oneTwo L5800 (CPU 1)

Model: oneTwo L5800

Thank you.

Edited by MrFarbodD, 13 May 2012 - 04:00 AM.

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Thank you for the additional details they are helpful :thumbsup:

It is important that before you go any further you back up any important data on the HDD.
When that is done you can restore the system by pressing Alt and F10, see details below;

Power on your computer.
When the Packard Bell logo is displayed, press and hold the ALT key while pressing repeatedly the F10 key.
Release the keys when a message displays that Windows is loading files.

After the system recovery/program has loaded follow the prompts to reinstall the operating system.

If this does not work then you may need to contact Packard Bell for system restore disk/s http://www.packardbe.../online-support if it does work be sure to create your own system restore disk/s at the first opportunity.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
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Thank you for the additional details they are helpful :thumbsup:

It is important that before you go any further you back up any important data on the HDD.
When that is done you can restore the system by pressing Alt and F10, see details below;

Power on your computer.
When the Packard Bell logo is displayed, press and hold the ALT key while pressing repeatedly the F10 key.
Release the keys when a message displays that Windows is loading files.

After the system recovery/program has loaded follow the prompts to reinstall the operating system.

If this does not work then you may need to contact Packard Bell for system restore disk/s http://www.packardbe.../online-support if it does work be sure to create your own system restore disk/s at the first opportunity.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

This wont work I have tried it like I mention din the above post. The same thing will just happen again. I may give packard bell a call then.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Give SFC a try http://www.sevenforu...le-checker.html
And for customising your Title Bar (including button sizes) see http://www.howtogeek...s-in-windows-7/

NB: Please do not quote every reply in case something gets overlooked, do however quote anything that you would like to highlight, thanks.
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Neither of those worked. :S
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    Mechanised Mod

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Neither of those worked. :S

What happened when you ran SFC - as in did it report anything?
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No errors.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Do you now have the PB system recovery disk/s?
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I've tried reinstalling windows and resetting to manufactured settings.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Was this using a disk provided by Packard Bell.
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