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Need some advice/ opinions [Closed]

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Perfect it is a Western digital so go here and download the ISO for western digital to run:

Run hard drive diagnostics: http://www.tacktech....ay.cfm?ttid=287
Make sure, you select tool, which is appropriate for the brand of your hard drive.
We want a bootable CD. This one -- Data Lifeguard Diagnostic v5.04f for DOS (CD) (October 31, 2008)
Downloaded file is of .iso type, use ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/ to burn .iso file to a CD (select "Write image file to disc" option), and make the CD bootable.

We want to run the short and long tests.

Please post back the results of the two tests.
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Have you been able to run the bootable hard drive test?

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I ran the disc and it says Unable to locate the License Agreement file, DLGLICE.TXT!!!. And then Please make sure that the License Agreement file is located in the same path as DLGDIAG.EXE..., with Cannot load the file A:\COMMAND.COM Insert correct disk and strike any key at the bottom of the screen.
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Let me make a disk and try it here then I will get back to you shortly!
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I am not sure what happened but go to this page.

Go down the middle of the page and download Diag504fCD.iso to the desktop of your good computer.

Make it into a CD with your ISO burner software.

Boot up the sick machine on it.

When the first screen comes up it will discuss the license, hit Esc

Then you will be asked to accept the license type Y the press Enter

You should see your drive listed in a red window in the upper right corner of the page.

You will see the following options:

  • SELECT DRIVE - Always choose this option first, as it determines which drive you will be working on.
  • QUICK TEST - This option tests your drive quickly for any major physical problems. (Please note: Although this option is safe and does not alter the data on your hard drive, Western Digital recommends that you have a current backup of your data).
  • EXTENDED TEST - This option checks your drive thoroughly and it can repair any correctable errors. (Please note: Although this option is safe and does not alter the data on your hard drive, some data loss may occur, depending on the errors found and the errors corrected. Western Digital recommends that you have a current backup of your data).
  • WRITE ZEROS TO DRIVE - The Write Zeros option, wipes any and all data off your drive. This option used when your data is no longer usable or recoverable. If you no longer need any data from your drive and would like to start over, run this option to set your drive to an as new condition. NOTE: Please make sure that you have selected the correct drive to perform this function on as once ran, no data will be recoverable.
  • VIEW TEST RESULTS - You can see the results of the test you just performed
  • PRINT TEST RESULTS - Test results can be printed with this option. USB printers are not supported
  • LOG FILE OPEN/CLOSE - You can access the log file which is generated automatically
  • ENTER AND PRINT RMA INFORMATION - Information pertaining to each drive tested can be customized and printed with this option.
  • HELP - Brief descriptions of each option in addition to explanations of error codes are available in this option.
  • QUIT - Reboot your system once you have completed the selected tasks

Run Quick test

When it completes view the results and note them to include in your next post.

Run Extended test

When it completes view the results and note them to include in your next post.

Now press quit

This will appear

Cannot load the file A:\COMMAND.COM Insert correct disk and strike any key at the bottom of the screen

Just open the tray to remove the CD and press the power button to shut it down.

Please post a note with the results of both tests.

You should now be on a blue screen with options listed on the bottom of the page listed above:
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I downloaded that iso file and went to imgburn and selected write image file to disc. When it starts up the first page it takes me to it says Starting Caldera DR-Dos... and then Executing AutoEXEC.BAT (Y,N,R)? If I say Y it says @echo off (Y/N)? If I say Y to that it says dlgdiag5 (Y/N)? and if I say Y it takes me to that error page.
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My disk does not even have an autoexec.bat on it.
My CD when I look at it by clicking on My Computer and then the CD has:





Try N for that AUTOEXEC.BAT
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When I click N it says No command interpreter specified. Please enter a valid filename (e.g. C:/COMMAND.COM), or just press enter to retry. Then under that it just says A>. If I press enter it says Caldera DR-DOS 7.05 Copyright © 1976, 1998 Caldera, Inc. All rights reserved. Should I try saving that again to a new CD or what?
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Are you saving it to a CD or are you burning it to a CD as an .ISO??

Download Free ISO Burner to your desktop and use the instructions here to make the disk.
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After using that iso burner it is doing the same thing.
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OK it sounds like it is not booting up on the CD.

Place the CD in the computer and restart the computer.
Immediately start tapping F12
A menu of startup items will appear.
Use the up and down cursor keys to highlight your CD/DVD drive and press enter.
When the licensing screen appears press Esc then press Y

You should now be on the blue screen with your hard drive identified in a red box.

You can then select the Extended test.
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If that does not work then the ISO is not being made properly it seems so try this program to make it:

Here is a burning program that will burn .ISO files go here and get burncdcc ..a small FAST no frills iso burning program...

NOTE...do not put a blank cd in until burncdcc opens the tray for you

1. Start BurnCDCC

2. Browse to the ISO file you want to burn on cd/dvd ....

3. Select the ISO file

4. click on Start
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Ok, I will give that a try because when I select to bootup from the cd drive, it just takes me to the windows startup recovery page. But first I wanted to let you know that I took the computer to best buy and they ran a quick test on it and found a hard disk error or something and told me that my hard drive is done and that I would need a new one for the computer to work again. Just wanted your opinion on this.
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This test that I am having you run would confirm that. So I hope we can get it to run properly.
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with Cannot load the file A:\COMMAND.COM

Any chance that the Dos for floppy has been downloaded and that is the reason for the error - A:\
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