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Adobe Flash Player

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My friend is trying to connect her Toshiba laptop to her tv. It works for about 5 minutes then says no signal. Here is the message I get on her computer. Adobe Flash Player Toshiba Media Control plug in failed to start. Should I reinstall adobe or is there a plug in I should look for. Hope I am able to get help here.Seeing as her computer seems to be the problem I asked here. Thanks
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi ginnyjoe

This may help http://aps2.toshiba-tro.de/tmc/ if no joy please post the model name, number of both the Toshiba and the TV + the version of IE that is in use and the OS, Vista or W7.
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I did as told but no luck. The TV is Haier and using Firefox with windows 7. The Laptop is a Toshiba. Hope this helps.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Sorry but not enough details about the TV or the Toshiba to allow us to do any research, please look at the attached links and you will understand why we need the exact details, some models of the brand of TV http://www.haier.com...ducts/tv/ledtv/ and just one model name of notebook that Toshiba produce http://en.wikipedia....shiba_Satellite

Check that you have the latest version of Java http://javatester.org/version.html
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ok as soon as I can go to her place I will get that information. Thanks
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    Mechanised Mod

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Ok, reply when you can.
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Well finally found out what the problem was. Even though she had a new cable running from the tv to the laptop that turned out to be what was causing all the problems. Got a new cable and it has been working perfectly. Wow just because it was new never thought to check that until I said that it seems to be the only thing that was not checked.Thank you very much for all your help.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Glad to hear that the issue is resolved and thank you for posting the solution so that it may help others :thumbsup:
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