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G2G Gaming Guild

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Could a Mod please move this to Games? I am blind!
This is just an idea, but I know a lot of Geeks tend to be Gamers as well. I was thinking it would be cool if we started a gaming guild where people could list what games they are actively playing and get together with other people that play the same games. We could help each other out and have a group to join up with no matter what games we play.

There are alot of games ranging from freemium phone games to MMORPGs that are just better to play when you have other people around. Hopefully we could get a good group together that will be able to discover and share secrets, tips and tricks with each other.

If anyone is interested, please post here with the games you play and any other relivant information needed to find you in the game. (Friend Codes / Realms / Servers / etc.) I will post a reply with a member list and keep it updated when new people join.

Let's make this happen! I hope to see you all in game.

P.S. I hope this hasn't already been done, otherwise I'll look like a ...Donkey... :P

Edited by Sunnovah, 06 July 2012 - 10:00 AM.

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Members List:

Sunnovah -

Mystery Manor (iPad) - Tairn - 3d5478
Mystery Manor (Android) - Tairn - 774f4f
BattleNations (iPad) - Sunnovah
Diablo 3 (PC) - Sunnovah#1956
XBox Live - Sunnovah
PSN - Sunnovah
Steam ID - Sunnovah

Edited by Sunnovah, 05 July 2012 - 08:49 AM.

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