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Help PS3 controller wont sync

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Hi! I recently got a new ps3 slim and I cannot get one of my old controllers from my old ps3 to sync with it. I tried the USB cord I tried calibrating the controller and I even tried the reset button on the back of the controller. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!
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Just to clarify when you have it plugged in with the USB cable it does not work? Is your firmware up to date? Do you have any other Bluetooth enabled hardware around? Do you have a wireless network that is close or over lapping that area?
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I don't know about him, but I am having the same issue. I have two controllers and neither of them work with the cord or wirelessly. Help!! Any suggestions??
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find a cable like the controller cable and plug it in to the controller and the system then turn the controller on this should work. if you are using another controller turn that one off and press the ps button again.

thats how i did it dont go in to safe mode unless you have weird messages on the screen. if it's just your controller do what i said

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