Release Date 02/06/2005
Other information and downloadThe AB Extension Pack is a collection of extensions written for Avant Browser that provide added functionality to an already wonderful browser shell. The extensions available can all be used from the browsers right click context menu and where applicable, are also available from the favourites.
Extensions currently include webpage and text translation, search/meta search engine lookup, dictionary/encyclopedia lookup, domain verification, referer verification along with our sURL, vURL, Multi-Search services and much more, with new extensions being added on an on-going basis.
At the time of writing (20:52 - 02-06-2005), the extensions provided are:
Lookup (search) Extensions:
1. Avant Browser Forums
2. ACF (alt.comp.freeware) newsgroups
5. DMoz (Open Directory)
6. Encarta
7. (Beta)
8. Google
9. Hyperdictionary
11. Merriam-Webster (
12. MSN
13. Multi-Search
14. Vivisimo
15. Wikipedia
Misc Extensions:
1. sURL
2. vURL
3. Open URL (non-linked)
4. Open Selected URL's (non-linked)
5. Send to Notepad
6. Verify Webpage Location*
7. Get The Referer*
8. Send to the Webpage Analyzer
9. Save Open Browser Windows
Translation Extensions:
1. Babelfish
2. Google
1. Avant Browser Forums*
*Also available via Favourites menu