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Lost MOST Documents and no libraries or printers found

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As I said before I think the lost files are a lost cause

Lets have a look at the printer issue

Please confirm that there is NOTHING shown in Control Panel - Devices and Printers and then when that window opens - Printers and Faxes on lower half

If there is anything what please is shown

Please go windows button and in search type print management

You will probably get only as far as typing print - before print management appears above, right click and click run as admin.

WHAT please is shown there for printers - click on all printers left pane - providing the printer or at least a printer is shown there then click printer drivers left pane and check again left pane printers not ready

You mention the scan aspect - in device manager - imaging devices what is shown please

Where is the printer connected - is it in the rear usb or a front usb port.

Is it connected directly to the usb on the I/O plate

In device manager expand usb and is there a listing usb printer support

Please reply at your convenience - sorry for the delay - been busy
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Unfortunately, when I type print management it just flashes even as administrator, devices and printers from the control panel does not load, it just stalls and nothing happens. In device manager the printer shows but there is not much information about the I/O port etc. It just shows it is present. I finally got devices and printers to open and it was blank.

Edited by Jerry67, 18 September 2012 - 09:39 PM.

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Go Control Panel please, admin tools is Print Management on the list - note it may not be, as that particular aspect may not be installed on Home Premium
I apologise I did not realise that when I asked you to open it

From there also open services
go to print spooler
open that, is the start type automatic
and is the service started.
If not change the start type to automatic and attempt to start the service

If you click the dependencies tab at the top of the pirnt spooler window you will see that it is dependant on remote procedure call - that NOT the RPC locatator service should also ne set automatic and running

If the print spooler service was not set automatic and starts OK you should recveive confirmation click apply and ok and exit.
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you were correct print management was not on the list in my computer. I did as you instructed and print spooler was set to automatic and running, I stopped the service and then restarted it again and it is set to automatic. The dependency tab is as you described.
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Well, I do not give up easily mate, and it would be the last choice I make to say I cannot help further, but I must admit I am struggling

Could you kindly, besides the missing files, please llst for me all symptoms and problems you have - WITH the computer of course :lol: :lol: :lol:

and then I think I will use the staff help forum :help: to see if any of my colleagues have the solution
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There are a number of them, first the original DNS server problem still exists but I have come to the conclusion that is a problem with Chrome browser. The computer is just plain slow and a bit unstable. Occasionally if I move the computer suddenly it shuts down and I have to restart it. No printer shows up on my devices and printers and my printer does not recognize it either. It is strange because I can print but the printer will not let me fax or scan and when I try to add it again it disappears. I guess the biggest thing is how slow it is and of course the instability causing the loss of my files which concerns me greatly. Many web pages load VERY slowly and there is definite lag to them, and at times I have to continually reload them a few times. I am on a home network with 15 mg speed.
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Occasionally if I move the computer suddenly it shuts down and I have to restart it

I feel certain there is a clue here Is that when running on mains power OR does it also occur on battery only and we are talking still about the Dell Studio 1558 - please

That has all the suggestions of a faulty connection to the power, a faulty connection to the Free agent external if that is connected or whatever else is connected, or perhaps more likely internal connections.

NOTE this may be of relevance but of course always a risky procedure


I now know that you have A11 BIOS, which is actually the one that was issued to fix the sudden shutdown, so as A12 was according to Dell issued only to fix a malfunction on LoJack which is a protection system if the laptop is stolen, it is possibly not as urgent., as it orginally appeared so relevant to your problem.

The dificulty is that Dell (not just Dell) do not always say everything the BIOS update incorporated.

There is one thing that I am now well aware of, and I am sure you are also, you are not alone the web is peppered with reports of poor performance,overheating, shut down and many other problems on that laptop.
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I have just discovered an amazing coincidence

Like your goodself another gentleman with problems on the SAME Dell Studio


I find it a little concerning, one may suspect, it is the DELL and the problems reported on the web.

I think I will suggest to the other gentleman that we get a list of what is installed, I will send you the utility to do so, if you do not mind and then we can look - and indeed so can you and him, at any similarities with what is installed

How do you feel about that?
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I almost always have the computer plugged into external power and rarely run it on battery. I will appreciate any help. So sure, whatever you suggest is ok.
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Just dropped in to say I have NOT forgotten you.
The other gentleman has left his issue. He has not returned.
That said, his system only really had a little slow performance, not anywhere near as many symptoms as you have
He had the pirnter issue, but only that it was not seen , all else connected with it worked.

I will be posting on the issue by 1200 Sunday UK time
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Sorry post will be delayed. Firstly called away this morning for a short work job and now unexpected visitors
Will post ASAP
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After hours of searching, both this topic, the malware topic, and all possible references I could find to Dell Studio 1558 and the problem.

I believe I have found it.

If I have I am annoyed with myself, not with you of course, for not finding it earlier

From one of your logs

+ "BrFiltLo" "Windows ME USB Mass-Storage Bulk-Only Lower Filter Driver" "Brother Industries, Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\brfiltlo.sys"
+ "BrFiltUp" "Windows ME USB Mass-Storage Bulk-Only Upper Filter Driver" "Brother Industries, Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\brfiltup.sys"
+ "Brserid" "Brotehr Serial I/F Driver (WDM)" "Brother Industries Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\brserid.sys"
+ "BrSerWdm" "Brother Serial driver (WDM version)" "Brother Industries Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\brserwdm.sys"
+ "BrUsbMdm" "Brother USB MDM Driver " "Brother Industries Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\brusbmdm.sys"
+ "BrUsbSer" "Brother USB Serial Driver" "Brother Industries Ltd." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\brusbser.sys"
+ "btusbflt" "Widcomm Bluetooth USB Filter for Windows XP" "Broadcom Corporation." "c:\windows\system32\drivers\btusbflt.sys"

The printer is a Brother I presume you clearly have the wrong drivers.
You also have the wrong bluetooth usb filter

Update all those drivers please
If the Brother printer does not have Windows 7 drivers, then try the 64 bit Vista drivers.
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I have tried to do as you ask, the brother website is confusing about what to download, also when I try to download a driver for the bluetooth, when I go to accept their agreement, it just keeps asking me to accept it over and over, hence I cannot get the new driver for bluetooth. Maybe you would be kind enough to walk me through both of these please.
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Could you please start with posting the make and full model of the printer

also as far as I am able to ascertain this is the combined driver including your bluetooth for the dell studio 1558


please note the installation instructions

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