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opening .eml mail w/attachments

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I am a new member so hope I post correctly. I have a new computer with Windows 7. I use Windows live mail that gmail account is configure to. I am a Paint Shop Pro (psp) user so belong to several psp groups that provide psp lessons. I can open and view the lessons but cannot get the attachments. These attachments are psp supplies that instructors are providing with the lesson. Can someone tell me how to open these? I did not have a problem when I used Outlook express. I would like to be able to do Psp lessons again.

Windows 7, 64 bit
e mail- Windows Live
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Check the instructions on this page Prevent Windows Live Mail From Blocking Unsupported File Types in Attachments and see if it helps.
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Hi, thanks for answering. I had already tried that one. Unfortunately, the attachments don't respond to a right or left click. I can't drag or do anything. Since this kind of mail for me is consists mostly my PSP lessons. My mod opens the supplies for me but I know they should be "openanable" but I just can't find the magic formula:-)
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