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email me someone !

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its a del dimension 5150 board dm051 bios a07 sigmatel hd drivers. windows 7 prof
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Welcome to Geeks to Go

I cannot see the reason for this post - it provides no detail whatsoever of the problem and simply says on the title
"email me someone !"

This is not the way that help is provided on Geeks to Go
Help can only be given in the forums

Additionally you have also posted a topic here

and another one that appears to be the same problem - here

Please do not create more than one topic on the same problem

Doing so, causes confusion and may well end up with two people assisting, on the same porblem but on different topics

That is why on How to Post
it says
Please select only one category, and do not post your question more than once.

I have closed this topic - where you are reading this message, please continue on this one

as I have also closed the other one

and finally I cannot understand why the first topic was created, then just three minutes later another on the same problem and then just TWO minutes after that, the third titled "Email me someone!"

We will be more than pleased to help you, but this is a free help site and if you consider your problem too urgent, to wait until someone replies, to such extent that you feel it necessary within minutes, to create a third topic requesting email contact, then although, as I said we are more than ready to try and help, your requirements may be better served by seeking charged assistance, from a local computer specialist - for example
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