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Weird issues

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Relative's computer has two monitors hooked up to it. From what I understand, the monitors will blank out and the system will be unusable until it's rebooted. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the display drivers but having issues with that. Want to make sure that there's nothing malicious going on. Already did a scan with MSE and MBAM, nothing found. Here's the OTL reports.

OTL logfile

OTL Extras logfile

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One of the hardest logs for malware removal is the log with nothing obvious. It's not in our nature to declare something clean until we've run a few additional scans, review some more logs. Unfortunately, that generally results in just taking up your time and ours. That being said, I doubt their issue is malware related. The only thing "malicious" I saw on a quick review was Search Fun Mood toolbar. It's odd MBAM didn't remove it. You can manually remove it by going to Remove Programs, and resetting the homepages in IE and FF. Doubtful it's responsible.

Maybe the most telling lines are the last ones, "OTL encountered an error while reading this event log. It may be corrupt". Also the inability to upgrade nVidia drivers from 306.x to 310.x. I'd check the disk for errors (right click drive, tools tab, error-check tick Check Now), or chkdsk /f /r C: from the command line. Then system file checker (sfc/ scannow from command line). If it's a recent issue, system restore might also be helpful.
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