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Malware alert on blog for Google Chrome users

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So sorry if this is the wrong place for this-please redirect me if so.

I have a website for my charity but only now update it via a wordpress blog. When I emailed out a link to an update this week, some people reported back to me that Google Chrome was giving them a malware alert and wouldn't let them open it. It seems ok through Firefox, IE etc.

I don't know where to start...
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    Founder Geek

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You should sign up for Google Webmaster Tools: https://www.google.c...bmasters/tools/

This will verify whether Google has detected malware on your site, and allow you to communicate to Google when the malware has been removed, so that the warning is removed.

If your site is infected, perhaps your webhost can help you clean it, or restore a known good backup. You must be very diligent with Wordpress updates as it is often targeted shortly after vulnerabilities are found and fixed. If you use advertising, you could also have a problem with an ad on the site.
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Thank you-I have just tried but already hit a hitch-the verification code they are giving me is not accepted on my wordpress-says won't accept that type of file so already fallen at the first hurdle.
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