My name is Tristan. I'm 18 years old.. I want to be a PC Technician, and that's my goal. I'm recently taking Hardware/Software class. The book we use is A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC. That is my first class at college btw..
My first question are..
It's good to be a Helpdesk Technician? or bad?
What are the pros/cons?
My second question are..
What should I do to get a job as a PC Technician?
Where do I apply? Local PC repair or big company like Best-buy?
How much is the pay for a Junior?
My third question are..
Is PC Repair job is good for the future?
What would you recommend..
Networking guy/PC Tech/Database Admin/QA tester
Those roles are what I think I can do it..
Here is my plan..
Now I get an A+ Certificate then apply for PC Tech job at local shop as part time while I'm still taking online classes to obtain my 4 years Degree.
Let's say after 2 years of working as a PC Tech, I will move to Networking. (It means 2 more years and I get my 4 years college degree) When I graduate, I apply for Database Administrator job? How that sounds? Seems like a good plan? But please show me the right direction because my plan seems unrealistic. Maybe that's more likely my goal.
Please answer all my questions and give me some advice or guide me.
Thank in Advances,