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Win 7 Computer will only boot in safe mode, blue screen states disk er

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This machine will not boot in normal mode. When I try to boot it up, I get the blue screen and it says something about a disk error, has a lot of information about memory dumping, and the text takes up the whole page.

It started when I tried to reinstall norton

I can only start in safe mode. I am unable to run a norton scan in safe mode.

I believe I have run out of options, please help!
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    Global Moderator

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It doesn't seem to be malware related. What is the version of the Operating System?
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Thank you for your reply. Under computer properties, it says windows 7 starter, service pack 1. It was running a bit slowly, so I ran dskck and that is when the real trouble began. I tried to restore it to a restore point, that didn't work, I have had to uninstall my antivirus and re-install that. It is a real nightmare :-) Anyway, do you have any idea what could be the trouble, or do you have any advice as to what I should do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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    Global Moderator

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Perform a Clean Boot and troubleshoot the Startup and Services items in your configuration until you have identified the entry that may be causing that issue. Here are the instructions.
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