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Seeking Help in Removal of Remote Administrator

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Hey Geeks to Go,

I have been tracking this hacker for quite awhile now. Getting straight to the point. If you turn on my Microsoft Management Console you will find that there's someone or another computer that has Remote Administrator rights which allows the intruder to control many of my apps and programs. The proof can be found in the Share section of the MMC he is also using IPC to help with his highjack of my laptop. If you look ilnto the properties of C:\ or C:\Windows you will find that the special permissions is controlled by the remote admin. There are all sorts of permissions being used making the task of rid myself of this nuisance seems almost impossible. If I go to my Services I find that some of them are useless to me, e. g. Remote Procedure Call , COM and DCom I cannot change at all from my laptop by simply changing the settings. So, I figure that he is using A NT Server or computer that act like a Server to gain access to everything I do. To make matters worst he can network my laptop. I will feel much better if someone or a geek can help me tackle this menace. Another example of how the hacker controls my laptop is that my Norton Security just like other security softwares I have used in the past, e. g. AVG, McAfee and Windows Security Suite. Is rendered useless somehow so that any settings I make can be changed at anytime. Help here's a guy that's is a tech that's at his wits end and needs some good solid advice and help.
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