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Create Event - Alert / Folder Monitoring

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  • Pip
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Hello, I'm wondering if anybody can think of a solution for the below scenario.

We have files uploaded to us from clients to specific folders. A process runs that watches these folders for files, and uploads them to our server every 5 minutes. Some times there are jobs that do not get pulled into our servers, that will need to be manually pushed across. Currently, we receive no notification if a file doesn't import, so it can end up sitting in the folder, till somebody goes and looks at the folder.

Is there a way to create an event log either through command prompt or powershell, that will send an alert/email if a file is still in the directory after say, 15 to 20 minutes?
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  • PipPipPip
  • 514 posts
You could make a java program which checked the folder for new files.. (Java is the only language i know).
It could play an alert sound if the folder has a new file in.
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