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System Imaging Win 8.

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  • PipPipPip
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Hello, I'm sorry but there seems to be too many postings on different aspects of this subject to go through and I didn't come across any specific to my query but this should be a quick one.

In the past I have made some system images for Win8 on internal and external drives. I do prefer to clone the drive but my cloning drive backup died the other day. I went to check on a system image I had created on an internal drive and saw it was old so I decided to create a new system image to rely on until I get another clone drive.

The size of the system image backup I have already is 47.1GB. I went through the steps to create another system image on an external drive (Recovery/Settings/Win7 file Recovery etc). I created the system image which said 'successful'. On checking the file size of the image to verify it was there I see that in 'properties' it is showing as 16bytes which I would presume is just the bytes used to create folders within the backup. Can someone tell me what went wrong; I have tried it three times now? Thanks.

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