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VB HomeMade Installer:

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OK, searched many a site and read many answers but still no real answer.

The scenario I have relates to an ini file, I want to only install the ini file if it doesnt already exist. Now this sounds simple to me but can I find the answer ... NO.

I have created a test scenario as follows:

a) 2 Files added to solution
b) File 1 (ini) - Condition = 'NOT Installed' & Transitive = True
c) File 2 - Condition is empty, Transitive = True

When I run the initial install both files are created - OK
When I uninstall both files are removed - OK

Now, here is where my problem lies (either by my testing or by my development):

If I create 2 files of the same name in the target directory and run the install - NEITHER file is replaced.

I want the ini file (file 1) left alone and File 2 replaced.


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