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Can't Download Anything

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Hi my name is Adam. Starting a few weeks ago my computer (windows Vista) stopped downloading everything/anything on every browser. I mainly use Firefox and when I try to download something, it will prompt me for the download, the download bar will finish and the file appears in the downloads box, but when I click on it, nothing happens at all and also nothing appears in the Downloads Folder (i know it is the default).

I did a scan with AVG and usually it removes bad things that it finds once finished, but there was one thing that showed up (a low risk item) and it wouldn't let me remove it for some reason. I could see that it was connected to something off of Bittorrent. Before the downloading problem started I remember going to use Bittorrent to download some music, but the downloads wouldn't start so i gave up. Anyways, I deleted Bittorrent but still no luck.

Today I was looking online for help and one expert mentioned removing AVG and the person testified that that solved their problem. So I uninstalled AVG, restarted the computer, and sure enough it did not solve my problem and now I can't re install AVG. :S .

I need help bad! Please save me! haha. Thanks

- Adam
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Open Firefox. Type in


(tell it I'll be careful)

Scroll down to


Double click on it and it should change to False. Restart Firefox and try a download now. Does it work?

I've seen this several times and always with AVG so I think they are causing it somehow. The problem is actually in IE but most browsers will follow its settings. The change we just made tells Firefox not to scan a download so you need to be careful and do a manual scan or submit a download to virustotal.com. This is just a workaround which should allow you to download again.

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Ron, this did work, thank you so much! So now I ask, should I download AVG again? Obviously I need some kind of free anti-virus software. I'm guessing AVG will work fine and since we made this change in Firefox, I would just make sure to do scan's all the time. Thoughts? thank you again.
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Replace with the free Avast!

Download, Save, and right click and Run As Administrator.
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