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Ancestry.com REALLY wants my business!

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It's either that, or I have some type of virus. I noticed it about a week ago. When I was away from my computer for a while, I would come back to find ancestry.com home page loaded on my screen. At first I thought it was the cat; and then I thought it was the kids messing around. When I realized something was suspicious I thought it was only during idle time that this would happen. But then it did it to me right in the middle of my Farmville 2 game! Just switched the screen right over, as if I had went there of my own accord!

Since then I have also noticed my FV2 gaming running VERY slow, as well as a couple programs I use to work from home. My computer will pop up a message saying that there is "high usage" in the CPU area or something, every time I try to play. I have the updated anti-virus from Norton, and I only use this computer for Facebook, FV2 via Zynga.com, Yahoo/email, and for work. I never have downloaded anything weird, or went to any suspicious sites. And whenever I try to go to these places without meaning to, my antivirus warns me that it's not safe and I don't go. I have also noticed that Firefox has been crashing as well, which has never happened before. When I use IE, it doesn't crash, but is still slow. Noticeably slow, in comparison to a week ago. I have never received any warning messages or otherwise from my computer letting me know that something is horribly wrong.

And just now, as I was typing this and waiting for the scan to finish, my screen went black with only the hourglass visible. I tried to move the mouse, and it moved the hourglass, nothing else. Then I hit escape, which brought me back to a white screen and then a message popped up about my bubble screen-saver not being able to load. When I tried to click to quit the program, it went back to black screen with hourglass again, I hit escape, message pops up, and then back to black. I finally was able to click fast enough to end the bubble screen saver program. This is VERY new, as in RIGHT NOW. I've been using this bubble screen saver forever and have never had issues. It is screen saver taken directly from the system-not downloaded.

And I just went to check on my OTL scan and it went to "not responding" message as well, and I had to close the program. The OTL scan was at "scanning Firefox settings".....and I just tried the scan again and it also timed out and went to "not responding message" again. So I guess I don't have a scan for you for now.

So basic problems are the ancestry.com "take-over", slow processing and gaming, and this black screen thing that just happened. Thanks ahead for any help you can give me!! This computer is really important and has too much work info on it for it to crash on me. :(

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